Eternity Spinning

Eternity Spinning

“Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being.” –Marcus Aurelius

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

It was going to happen.  A day within the 365 days of my project where I don’t feel like going out to shoot nor do I feel too creative.  Heck, it’s Monday after the holidays – I don’t feel like creating anything.  But the project is a photo-a-day project, not a photo-on-the-days-I-feel-like-maybe-kinda-sorta-I-might-could-shoot-and-process-something project.

Lincoln Memorial Drive

Lincoln Memorial Drive

This shot came about more from wanting to test my new ICE 10-stop neutral density filter, rather than from a creative idea.  I knew I wanted water and possibly clouds (although the clouds weren’t really moving fast enough) in the shot but other than that, I had know idea what I was going to get.… Continue reading Lincoln Memorial Drive

Sand and Water: Unplug

Sand and Water

With the state of current affairs in our world today, the need to unplug, get outside, forget about everything, and just be in nature is paramount.  This shot was me doing just that.  I wanted to create something that was peaceful and calm, yet also had a dark moody undertone that reflected the nature of… Continue reading Sand and Water: Unplug

Flowing Water: The River

Flowing Water

“He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.” –Horace The Milwaukee River under the Locust Street bridge.  Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Ethereal Flow

Ethereal Flow

Ethereal Flow: “In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time.” –Leonardo da Vinci

Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura

I’ve been fascinated with pinhole (camera obscura) photography since I built my first pinhole camera out of an oatmeal container way back in high school.