Today I Am Tired

Today, I am tired. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and too much coffee. I'm mentally drained from trying to do everything on my "to-do" list all at the same time. I'm emotionally fatigued from just about everything I see on the news. Today I feel my age and that makes me weary. But tomorrow the sun will rise. I'll have a cup of coffee while listening to the birds singing outside and my wife and son laughing inside. It will be a brand new day. And I will not be tired. Day 285 of my 365 photo a day project. Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography

Today, I am tired.  I’m exhausted from lack of sleep and too much coffee.

Pursued by Tired

Pursued by Tired

“There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald It’s toward the end of the day, I need a shot for my 365 Project, and I’m exhausted and feeling a bit sick.    I wanted to do more for today and  I actually did get out and shoot a few things.  But in… Continue reading Pursued by Tired