I Voted Today

I Voted Today
I Voted Today

I voted today in the Wisconsin 2016 presidential primary.  Who I cast my vote for is between me, my family, and the ballot.  The important part is that I did it.  It is a right and a civic duty that many take for granted – there are people all over the world that yearn for the opportunity and never have the chance.  A large number of eligible voters in the US don’t even bother.  That is sad to me.  Take the time, go to your polling place and cast your ballot.    Speaking for myself, no matter the outcome of this or any other election, I can say I did my part and I’m damn proud about that.

Day 188 of my 365 photo a day project.

I Voted Today
I Voted Today

By Scott Norris

Emotion. Mood. Feelings. This is what I capture through my photographs. Whether it is landscapes, architectural elements, still life, or macros - it is a very personal journey as my own fears, triumphs, beliefs, and shortcomings are exposed with each photo. In the end, it is all about telling compelling stories.