A Family Portrait

A Family Portrait

Well, the day is here.  Day 365.  What better way to finish a year of photos, than with a family portrait.  These two are the reason I do what I do.  I live for them and love them both unconditionally.  Without their support, there is no way I would have ever completed this project. In…… Continue reading A Family Portrait

Our Little Cookie Monster

Our Little Cookie Monster

This is our beautiful little cookie monster.  As I start the countdown of the last 30 days of my 365 project, I want to revisit some themes from the past year.  Of course, my son has been a big part of the challenge.  His imagination, the way he sees the world, and his joy in discovering…everything,  has…… Continue reading Our Little Cookie Monster

Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey See, Monkey Do.  Monkey makes the face daddy taught him, too.  Over and over and over.  Sigh.  That’s my boy! Day 329 of my 365 photo a day project. Are you looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop?  Most of the images from this project are available…… Continue reading Monkey See Monkey Do

Day 312

Day 312

Today, day 312, was a very busy day.  Like most weekends for most families, there was a lot of stuff to do around the house.  And lots of of things to prepare before the work week grind starts up in earnest on Monday morning.  Now, as you can plainly see from today’s image of the day, my photography took…… Continue reading Day 312

Tunnel of Fun

The Tunnel of Fun

How many times did my son climb up and down this tunnel of fun at the local church playground?  Way too many to count.  But I’m not complaining.  I could sit and watch (and photograph!) him running, sliding, climbing, laughing, and playing all day and all night.  For this shot, he stopped moving long enough…… Continue reading Tunnel of Fun

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual Motion

Perpetual motion, a device or body that once set in motion would continue moving forever.  Now, as it stands, such a machine is impossible due to friction and other natural forces.  But there are days where it seems my son is living proof that such machines do, in fact, exist.  He is always moving and…… Continue reading Perpetual Motion

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Fathers Day - Going Places

Today is Father’s Day in North America.  Now just a few years ago, if you had asked me if I thought I’d ever celebrate the day as a Dad, I’d say you were crazy.  My, how things have changed.  Today was my third Father’s Day and I am thrilled, humbled, and proud to be this…… Continue reading Happy Father’s Day

Family Time on a Spring Weekend

Family Hike

Today was all about family.  It was an absolutely beautiful spring day with temps in the mid-70s and plenty of sunshine.  We bought plants for the garden in the morning and then hiked the Seven Bridges Trail in South Milwaukee before noon.  After naps (unfortunately, no nap for me), we grilled hot dogs and corn on the…… Continue reading Family Time on a Spring Weekend

The Notebook: Day 229

The Notebook: Day 229

For my photo a day project, I will jot ideas and thoughts for future shoots into this spiral notebook.  It’s a way for me to remember cool ideas when I’m actually out with my camera trying to capture something.  And it also doubles as my long-term memory – it does a better job than my…… Continue reading The Notebook: Day 229

Eternity Spinning

Eternity Spinning

“Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being.” –Marcus Aurelius Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like Sisyphus, repeatedly rolling the proverbial boulder up the hill only to see it roll down again…… Continue reading Eternity Spinning

Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

How about a shot of tequila for Cinco de Mayo?  Now I will fully admit I don’t celebrate the 5th of May.  Certainly, I’ve been with friends and had a beer or two or a shot, but I don’t go out with the express purpose of observing the day.  Heck, I hardly go out at all…… Continue reading Tequila for Cinco de Mayo

Zero Zilch Zip

Zero Zilch Zip

My mind was a creative zero today.  Nothing. Nil. Nada. Zilch. Zip.   I had a few shots in mind, but nothing really worked and I never felt the inspiration.  But that is OK.  After 212 days – today is day 213 – it was bound to happen again.  As they say in the movies,…… Continue reading Zero Zilch Zip