Eternity Spinning

Eternity Spinning

“Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being.” –Marcus Aurelius

Black and Red Lentils

Red and Black Lentils

Two squares of lentils – black and red – on a white paper background.  The inspiration for this photo came from the dinner table.  (Go figure!)

Speed Queen: The Glass is Empty

Speed Queen

My image for today is intended as a metaphor for how I felt creatively trying to find a shot – empty, by any way you measure it.  

Crazy Happy Fun Stuff

Crazy Happy Fun Stuff

Experimentation with new techniques, gear, lighting, angles, and subjects can be crazy fun. When the craziness (I’m talkin’ ’bout me) is there at the start, the excitement is doubled.