Early Morning Coffee

Early Morning Coffee

There is nothing quite like an early morning coffee brewed over a campfire.  Whether or not the coffee actually tastes good is irrelevant.   There is something wonderful about waking up with the sun, crawling out of the tent, starting a fire, and brewing a nice steaming cup o’ joe. Then you can just sit back…… Continue reading Early Morning Coffee

Minimalist Pillars

Minimalist Pillars

Looking at my son’s wooden toy blocks and specifically the wooden columns,  got me to thinking about the pillars of design for photography. (yeah, my mind is crazy that way)  There are many thoughts on how many elements there are but in my mind there are seven – line, shape, form, texture, color, pattern, and space. Anyway, with…… Continue reading Minimalist Pillars

Wide and Narrow Lines

Wide and Narrow Lines

Details of lines and shapes on an exterior wall of a modular building at the Maryland Avenue Montessori School on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   It was overcast today which made for very soft and even illumination.  On a walk with the family to the grocery store, we stopped to let my son…… Continue reading Wide and Narrow Lines