Milwaukee Art Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum September

I spent part of Saturday at the fabulous Milwaukee Art Museum with my son.   While most of our time was spend going and up and down (and up and down) stairs and looking out the windows at the spider webs and the lake, I did have a few moments to take in some of…… Continue reading Milwaukee Art Museum

Spiral: Shape and Form

Spiral Shape and Form

One of the reasons I decided to start a 365 Project was to simply shoot and/or process something new every day.  I’ve been doing that now for 157 days and the journey so far has been fantastic.  Something I did not think about when I started, was how the project would sharpen and expand my design…… Continue reading Spiral: Shape and Form

Chucks on a Wire

Chucks on a Wire

A pair of Converse Chuck Taylor (Chucks) athletic sneakers hanging from a power line over a street on the East Side of Milwaukee. My goal was to capture something outdoors and different than what I have done the last few days.  Cue Monty Python, “And now for something completely different!”  In framing this photograph, I…… Continue reading Chucks on a Wire



“Everything is nothing with a twist.” –Kurt Vonnegut Nothing.  I walked for a couple of hours, camera in hand, and shot nothing worth processing  – much less sharing with the world.  Blah.  Time to go home.  Then on the way back, along the side of the street, I saw this twisty little vine holding on…… Continue reading Twisted