Self-Portrait 34

Self-Portrait 34

By my count, this is self-portrait 34 in this project.   When I need to shoot something interesting everyday and I can’t find a suitable subject, it makes sense to shoot myself.

Paint Brush of the Soul

Paint Brush of the Soul

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” –Henry Ward Beecher

Don’t Follow the Crowd

Don't follow the crowd. Be different. Follow your own path. Think outside of the box. Be the black sheep. The list of cliches goes on and on and on. While the phrases are overused, the sentiment is true. Because if you want to stand out from everyone else, you've got to do something or be something a little unique. So for today I wanted to create some sort of minimalist abstract representation of that. Day 323 of my 365 photo a day project. Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography

Don’t follow the crowd.  Be different.  Follow your own path.  Think outside of the box.  Be the black sheep.

Kodak Instamatic 124

Kodak Instamatic 124

Does anyone remember carrying the Kodak Instamatic around?  Or perhaps remember your parents (or grandparents) snapping shots with this?  I certainly do.

The Downer Theater

The Downer Theater 2016

I love the entrance to the Downer Theater on the East Side of Milwaukee.  I’ve photographed this facade many times before today.