Water Flowing

Water Flowing

The water is flowing fast in the Milwaukee River these days.  This shot was taken under the Locust Street bridge on the East Side of Milwaukee.  Taken at midday, I used a 10-stop ND filter to slow down the water and create the smooth, silk-like motion. For some reason, while I was shooting,  the chorus…… Continue reading Water Flowing

A Tall Cold Beer

A Tall Cold Beer

It’s summertime.  A time to be with friends and family, enjoy a cold beer or soda, and talk about life and everything.  And with everything going on in the world these days, we need to do a lot more of that.  We need to talk more, be with each other more, and get out from…… Continue reading A Tall Cold Beer

Jumbled Letters

Jumbled Letters: The AfterBath

All that was left after the bath was a jumbled pile of letters and numbers in the corner of the tub.  After the drying, brushing of teeth and putting on of pajamas, I had to grab my camera and come back to get a shot or two.  After all, that is what I do -…… Continue reading Jumbled Letters