Paradise Springs Dam and Turbine House Ruins

Water flows through the concrete dam past the ruins of the turbine house at Paradise Springs. Located near Eagle, Wisconsin in the Kettle Moraine State Forest, Southern Unit, the dam and ruins are part of the Paradise Springs Nature Trail. The area once had a resort hotel with a tennis/shuffleboard court, a small horse track, a…… Continue reading Paradise Springs Dam and Turbine House Ruins

Water Flowing

Water Flowing

The water is flowing fast in the Milwaukee River these days.  This shot was taken under the Locust Street bridge on the East Side of Milwaukee.  Taken at midday, I used a 10-stop ND filter to slow down the water and create the smooth, silk-like motion. For some reason, while I was shooting,  the chorus…… Continue reading Water Flowing

Waiting for the River

Waiting for the River

“He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic waiting for the river to run out before he crosses.” –Horace I am often guilty of standing by while the world spins around.   Minor things become important while the essentials are forgotten or relegated to the bottom of the to-do lists.   However, time…… Continue reading Waiting for the River

Fierce Calm

Fierce Calm

Long exposures of large fierce waves can produce a surprisingly ethereal and calm image.  The waves you don’t see in this image were around 4-6 feet tall.  Quite tall for Lake Michigan, but what you’d expect after a thunderstorm.  And since this is yet another horizon shot for me, I wanted to do something different with the…… Continue reading Fierce Calm

Go For a Spin

Go For a Spin

Anyone want to go for a spin?  Normally, I would answer this question with a yes! However, at a neighborhood carnival, I would have to pass.  I love watching the rides twist and turn with the flashing lights and glowing neon.  But my inner ear, stomach, and I have an understanding – everything will be…… Continue reading Go For a Spin

A Night at the Carnival

A Night at the Carnival

We spent a day and a night at the carnival.  And even at 48 years old, I feel like a kid, wide-eyed and excited about the rides, the food, the sights, sounds, and smells.  Of course, now that I am an adult, I also get excited about the music and the, shall we say, refreshments.…… Continue reading A Night at the Carnival

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and Streamers

Ribbons and streamers blowing in the night breeze as fireworks explode in the sky marking the 240th birthday of the USA. For the 4th of July, I wanted to do something different for my shot of the day.  A shot of fireworks was too obvious.  And my shots of parades and picnics did not really…… Continue reading Ribbons and Streamers

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round

“If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride the merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.” –Nadine Stair Next time you are in the park take the time to ride the merry…… Continue reading Merry Go Round

Line on the Horizon

Line on the Horizon

“The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”  –Christopher McCandless A line on the horizon in a field of whites and greys where sky meets water.  This is Lake…… Continue reading Line on the Horizon

Eternity Spinning

Eternity Spinning

“Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being.” –Marcus Aurelius Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like Sisyphus, repeatedly rolling the proverbial boulder up the hill only to see it roll down again…… Continue reading Eternity Spinning

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

It was going to happen.  A day within the 365 days of my project where I don’t feel like going out to shoot nor do I feel too creative.  Heck, it’s Monday after the holidays – I don’t feel like creating anything.  But the project is a photo-a-day project, not a photo-on-the-days-I-feel-like-maybe-kinda-sorta-I-might-could-shoot-and-process-something project. So here…… Continue reading Lake Michigan Minimalist Triptych

Lincoln Memorial Drive

Lincoln Memorial Drive

This shot came about more from wanting to test my new ICE 10-stop neutral density filter, rather than from a creative idea.  I knew I wanted water and possibly clouds (although the clouds weren’t really moving fast enough) in the shot but other than that, I had know idea what I was going to get.…… Continue reading Lincoln Memorial Drive