These small containers of washable paint belong to my son. I noticed the complementary colors when I was cleaning his painting supplies and I thought, ‘I have to shoot those!’ Of course, I dropped everything and took the plastic buckets to my camera stand. Priorities, you know… To make the saturated colors really stand out in the…… Continue reading Four Small Containers of Paint
Tag: playful
Monkey See Monkey Do
Monkey See, Monkey Do. Monkey makes the face daddy taught him, too. Over and over and over. Sigh. That’s my boy! Day 329 of my 365 photo a day project. Are you looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop? Most of the images from this project are available…… Continue reading Monkey See Monkey Do
The All-American Burger
The All-American burger. A fresh bun. Juicy 100% beef. Look closer. It’s made of plastic. And just so you know, this is not intended as commentary about the state of the fast food industry. Although, I’ll admit, it’s not far off from the way I feel about it. But that is for someone else’s blog. This one is about…… Continue reading The All-American Burger
The Morning Power Up
I wish I could just push the power button to wake up in the morning. Just push it, wait 30 seconds, and be ready to go. Well, I guess that is what coffee does for me, three cups of it, but it works. This image is a comp of my everyday coffee mug and the “On”…… Continue reading The Morning Power Up
64 Colors
Peach. Lavender. Thistle. Orange-Yellow. Or was it Yellow-Orange? Some very obvious names and some that made you scratch your head. I think it would have been great fun to be paid to name the colors of each crayon. Which was/is your favorite color? This shot came about after I spent the better part of the…… Continue reading 64 Colors