Happy Flying

This little guy sure loves to fly. You can see joy in his eyes and the smile on his face. Copyright 2017 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

Happy Flying!  This little guy sure loves to soar.  You can see joy in his eyes and the smile on his face.   This photo was created as part of a new service I’m offering called Capturing Keepsakes.  Think of it as portraits for a most cherished child’s toy or prized family heirloom.  Head on…… Continue reading Happy Flying

Lite Brite

Lite Brite

What happens when you introduce a 2 1/2 year old to a vintage Lite Brite?   A joyful couple of hours of total fun.  Add to that some really cool (and totally photographable) color abstracts.  Introduced by Milton Bradley in 1967, this particular version is circa 1986.  Now I just need to watch out for those long…… Continue reading Lite Brite

Superman and the Big Hill

Superman and the Big Hill

To get to the best picnic spot in the park, little superman decided to walk up the big hill instead of fly.   Of course, he also decided to roll down. Of all the shots I took over the Labor Day weekend, this is one of my favorites.  My son, in his superman sweatshirt with…… Continue reading Superman and the Big Hill

Four Small Containers of Paint

Four Small Containers of Paint Copyright 2016 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

These small containers of washable paint belong to my son.  I noticed the complementary colors when I was cleaning his painting supplies and I thought, ‘I have to shoot those!’  Of course, I dropped everything and took the plastic buckets to my camera stand.  Priorities, you know… To make the saturated colors really stand out in the…… Continue reading Four Small Containers of Paint

A Night at the Carnival

A Night at the Carnival

We spent a day and a night at the carnival.  And even at 48 years old, I feel like a kid, wide-eyed and excited about the rides, the food, the sights, sounds, and smells.  Of course, now that I am an adult, I also get excited about the music and the, shall we say, refreshments.…… Continue reading A Night at the Carnival

The Eyes of a Child

The Eyes of a Child

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.  There are seven million.” –Walt Streightiff Oh, those beautiful eyes just melt my heart every time I see them. Mine own eyes fill with with tears of joy when I think about who he is, what he will see, and who…… Continue reading The Eyes of a Child

64 Colors

64 Colors

Peach.  Lavender.  Thistle.  Orange-Yellow.  Or was it Yellow-Orange?  Some very obvious names and some that made you scratch your head. I think it would have been great fun to be paid to name the colors of each crayon.  Which was/is your favorite color? This shot came about after I spent the better part of the…… Continue reading 64 Colors