Mic Check 1 2 3

Mic Check 1 2 3

I recently got the Blue Yeti Microphone for Christmas.  While I can’t claim to know a lot about the different microphones on the market, I can say this mic is awesome.  I don’t have a radio voice ( a radio face,  maybe.), but this mic makes me sound SO much better than the one built into my… Continue reading Mic Check 1 2 3

64 Colors

64 Colors

Peach.  Lavender.  Thistle.  Orange-Yellow.  Or was it Yellow-Orange?  Some very obvious names and some that made you scratch your head. I think it would have been great fun to be paid to name the colors of each crayon.  Which was/is your favorite color?

Open for Refreshments

Open for Refreshments

We picked up our Christmas tree for the house today.  It wasn’t quite a Charlie Brown tree, but it was probably one of the smallest they had.  We went to a place in Riverwest off of Humboldt Boulevard in Milwaukee called Kellners Greenhouses.  It doesn’t look like much from the street but you don’t see… Continue reading Open for Refreshments

X Blocks

X Blocks

These are my son’s old alphabet stacking blocks.  And he loves playing with them.  Well, I have to admit, that I love playing with them too.  Spelling out words,  seeing how high I can stack them, building pyramids – all the things a middle aged man is supposed to do, right?  No, you say?