Milwaukee Fire Department Engine 27

Milwaukee Fire Department Engine 27

I had a nice conversation with the fine folks of Station 27 from the Milwaukee Fire Department today at a neighborhood block party.

Seashell by the Seashore

Seashell by the Seashore

I wanted to capture something “summer-y” and minimalist to commemorate the impending end of summer and the slow downhill slide to the dead of winter.

The Arch on the Edge of Forever

The Arch on the Edge of Forever

Everytime I walk through this arch in the park near our home on Milwaukee’s East Side, I think of an old TV show.

Superman and the Big Hill

Superman and the Big Hill

To get to the best picnic spot in the park, little superman decided to walk up the big hill instead of fly.   Of course, he also decided to roll down.

Milwaukee Art Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum September

I spent part of Saturday at the fabulous Milwaukee Art Museum with my son.   While most of our time was spend going and up and down (and up and down) stairs and looking out the windows