Leaf Bottle Rocks

A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Copyright 2018 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left, fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Leaf Bottle Rocks

The Colors of Fall

The Colors of Fall

The colors of fall are beginning to fade and soon enough the air will chill and the snow will fall.  But that also means that the holiday season is upon us.  We will spend time with family and friends, give thanks, feast, trim trees, light candles, celebrate miracles and be of good cheer.   We…… Continue reading The Colors of Fall

Dry Leaf on Wood

Dry Leaf on Wood

A dry leaf sits on a park bench in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin.  The colors are just about past peak now around here, but the beauty of Autumn is still all around.   Soon enough, the trick or treaters will be at our door, daylight savings time will end, and Jack Frost will nip at our noises.…… Continue reading Dry Leaf on Wood

A Hint of Autumn

A Hint of Autumn

“By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.” –Helen Hunt Jackson I found a small hint of autumn on the sidewalk today.  Yes, the calendar says it is fall, but at least here in Milwaukee, the trees are still thinking summer.  But soon enough,…… Continue reading A Hint of Autumn

Death Valley 1990

Death Valley 1990

I can’t believe it has been almost exactly 26 years since I was in Death Valley National Park.  I was going back through some (very old) images, relatively low quality scans of 5×7 color prints, and found this image of some sand dunes shot in June of 1990.  I was out there on a three…… Continue reading Death Valley 1990

Lamp-Lite Motel

Lamp Lite Motel

This is the Lamp-Lite Motel (or at least the sign) along US 51 in Portage, Wisconsin.   Now, I have to say up front, I’ve done just a wee bit of work on this one (see below).  Taken in June of last year and finally processed today, I was driving toward Baraboo looking for a particular…… Continue reading Lamp-Lite Motel

Texas Highway

This photo was taken through the windshield of my Dodge, on an isolated Texas highway, somewhere in Big Bend National Park in Texas while driving at about 85 mph. It was in late September of 1997 or 1998 and I propped my Nikon FM2 up on the dash, centered the car on the yellow line…… Continue reading Texas Highway

Native Grass

Native Grass

Native grass from a walk in the Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum in Riverside Park. The park is located on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, along the Milwaukee River. Day 69 of my 365 photo a day project.

Backyard Leaves

Backyard Leaves

“As fall the light autumnal leaves, one still the other following, till the bough strews all its honors on the earth below.” –Dante Alighieri A carpet of fallen Maple leaves cover the ground in our backyard. Day 47 of my 365 photo a day project.