Leaf Bottle Rocks

A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Copyright 2018 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

A tiny empty glass bottle, three decaying leaves, and three lake stones on a wooden table. This was photographed with a single speedlight flash camera left, fitted with a homemade diffuser to soften the harsh light. Processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. Nikon D700, 50mm lens, ISO 100, 1/200, f/4. Looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Leaf Bottle Rocks

Paint Brush

A worn paint brush on a (mostly) white painted canvas. This image was inspired by the phrase "an expensive camera makes a great photograph just as much as a paint brush makes a great painting." I thought I'd use my expensive (to me, it was) camera to photograph the paint brush in action. I'm still waiting for the masterpiece to happen. ;-) Copyright 2017 Scott Norris Photography scottnorrisphotography.com

A worn paint brush on a (mostly) white painted canvas. This image was inspired by the phrase “an expensive camera makes a great photograph just as much as a paintbrush makes a great painting.”  I thought I’d use my expensive (to me) camera to photograph the brush in action. I’m still waiting for the masterpiece…… Continue reading Paint Brush

Dry Leaf on Wood

Dry Leaf on Wood

A dry leaf sits on a park bench in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin.  The colors are just about past peak now around here, but the beauty of Autumn is still all around.   Soon enough, the trick or treaters will be at our door, daylight savings time will end, and Jack Frost will nip at our noises.…… Continue reading Dry Leaf on Wood

The Tools of the Trade

The Tools of the Trade

“By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade.”  –Desiderius Erasmus Just a few of the tools of the trade for a carpenter.  I cannot help but be in awe of some of the things a woodworker can do will a saw and chisel and a piece of good wood.…… Continue reading The Tools of the Trade

Pencil on a Blank Page

Pencil on a Blank Page

A pencil on a blank white page.  Another image inspired by my lack of any good ideas for my image of the day.   And now as I write, add to that the scarcity of words to go along with it. However, I have learned that the best way to get over creative (or writer’s) block…… Continue reading Pencil on a Blank Page

Sunset on a Wooden Bench

Sunset on a Wooden Bench

The sun sets behind a wooden bench along a hiking trail in southeast Wisconsin.   A quiet, peaceful little scene.  But is this reality?  The short answer is no.  The bench was certainly there but when I took this shot, I really had no clue where the sun was since it was overcast and in the middle…… Continue reading Sunset on a Wooden Bench

A Bird in the Hand

A Bird in the Hand

This is my take on the old saying “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”  Which, to me, means it is better to see and appreciate what you have rather than think about and worry about what you do not. Shot with my son’s wooden blue-feathered bird friend in the palm of…… Continue reading A Bird in the Hand

Wide and Narrow Lines

Wide and Narrow Lines

Details of lines and shapes on an exterior wall of a modular building at the Maryland Avenue Montessori School on the East Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   It was overcast today which made for very soft and even illumination.  On a walk with the family to the grocery store, we stopped to let my son…… Continue reading Wide and Narrow Lines

Abandoned School House and a Comfy Chair

Abandoned School and Comfy Chair

I originally shot this old school house interior and broken chair back in March of 2012.   My wife and I were taking the backroads in northern Illinois somewhere near Rockford when we passed this old building.  Of course, I immediately hit the brakes and turned around and started shooting.  There was something about the…… Continue reading Abandoned School House and a Comfy Chair

Lost and Alone

Lost and Alone

I often wonder what stories these old abandoned homes could tell.   This particular home we found on a country road between Montello and Princeton, Wisconsin.  I saw it and immediately had to pull over, grab my camera and tripod and set up to take the shot.    For some reason, an old John Denver…… Continue reading Lost and Alone